And then there was the idea that we tell our children… that they should just BE HAPPY NOW, with what we have… But How?
And what is it?
Well, in a nutshell, happiness is a habit, the combination of all the things we do, think and say, every day.
And how do we get it?
Here’s the thing: nothing outside of us will bring us lasting happiness.
Not people, not things, not money, not fame.
Our happiness has to come from us.
It turns out the reason why it is so hard to define, is because happiness is a subjective experience. What brings me joy, could just as likely make your skin crawl.
And that’s ok.
It is about choosing what is right for you, and rolling with it.
Happiness encompasses the satisfaction, contentment, fun and joy we find in being with the people we love, doing things we enjoy, accomplishing something we deem important and working towards fulfilling our purpose.
Happiness is a choice… our choice.