Everyday Happy is a journal for happiness, gratitude diary, daily prompt and manual for a happy life.
But it is so much more than that!
This book can support children and young people (and all people) with their mental health and happiness, helping create positive mental habits and manage feelings of anxiety.
Everyday Happy aims to:
Hold your child’s (or your) hand on a journey back to their happiest self.
Bring together ideas and activities that can be done every day to increase Happiness.
Encourage a more positive daily outlook.
Foster resilience.
And it is easy and fun!
I designed and wrote Everyday Happy for my son.
At nine years old he suffered agonizing anxiety, and subsequently withdrew from school, sports, his friends, and the fun of life…
Throughout this experience I kept thinking, the whole ‘helping’ process was way too focused on the problem. Every single meeting focused a lot on the anxiety! There was very little mention of the goal… And when it was, the ‘goal’ was ALL about getting him back to school.
I thought we needed a BIGGER, more powerful, and life affirming goal. I realised that we needed to focus on Happiness, and if we did put Happiness first, everything else should fall into place.
I stopped complaining to everyone I met, stopped listening to every piece of advice offered, and changed my reading material, steering away from ‘books about anxiety’ and seeking out happiness books instead.
I found a lot of the books I read were aimed at me, the programs were aimed at me, and if they were for my child, required me to somehow make him comply. What they didn’t really do is speak to him, nor give him the opportunity to take ownership of his healing. They didn’t empower him!
They did however educate, empower and drive me to create Everyday Happy as a way to help him.
Two years on and he is happily taking himself to school each day, and fully participating in life as a normal 11 year old should. I am so proud of the work he has done to get to this point, and of our family for coming through this, stronger than ever.
Amazon Review
“I purchased this journal after seeing a recommendation for it on Facebook. I had been feeling overwhelmed and anxious after the birth of my second child and needed something to help me focus on the positives.”
This book was originally created for children, however it really is perfect for any age. I’ve only been using it for 5 days but already feel more upbeat as it allows me to focus on the positives from each day instead of dwelling on the tantrums and other toddler/baby issues I’ve had to deal with that day. I really would recommend this book to anyone who is struggling to focus on the positive aspects of their day.”
This book is the ‘thing’ I felt was missing in my search for help. If you would like more information, please leave me a message in the comments, or contact me on:
You can also purchase it here:
Everyday Happy: A Journal for Happiness
As this is my own publication, all sales of Everyday Happy, whether through my website of directly from Amazon result in royalty payments to me.